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Secure ePrescriptions:The New Cloud-Based Rx Manager

Manage Drug Prescriptions from Anywhere, Anytime with Cloud enabled Security and Efficiency

Today, the trust in secure and reliable prescription management solutions is paramount and operational efficiency is key. This is why Sensei, the practice and patient management brand of Carestream Dental, is introducing a new cloud-based prescription solution, Rx Manager, a Sensei product. As the digital landscape evolves, so do the challenges we face. Recent cyber incidents have shown that the need for secure, reliable and efficient solutions has never been more critical. Rx Manager is here to meet that need and to provide additional benefits to your practice.

Why is Rx Manager the Solution for your Dental Practice?

Enhanced Cloud-Based Cybersecurity: Built on a foundation of state-of-the-art cloud security protocols, Rx Manager protects your practice from the ever-increasing threat of cyber incidents, giving you the peace of mind you deserve and the reliability you need.

Electronic Prescribing Anytime, Anywhere: The new Rx Manager enables providers to submit electronic prescriptions in an easy and secure way, no matter where you are, as long as you have an internet connection

Seamless Workflow Integration: Designed to integrate effortlessly with your existing practice management systems, Rx Manager makes transition and adoption smooth and straightforward, ensuring seamless operations, without delay.

Unlock the extraordinary advantages of Rx Manager.

Benefit from state-of-the-art Cloud-Based Security

for safeguarding your data, ensuring a swift onboarding process to get you back up and running seamlessly. 

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Prescribe with unparalleled flexibility

and convenience from anywhere, anytime, thanks to Rx Manager's seamless accessibility. 

Gain comprehensive insights

with a glance at all current and past prescriptions, spanning an impressive 10-year retrospective view. 

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Stay ahead of potential risks

with vigilant dosing alerts designed to prevent Adverse Drug Events. 

Utilize sophisticated drug-disease interaction alerts

for optimal patient care and safety. 



 Ready to Manage Prescriptions Secure and Easy?