NEW Patient Bridge for R4+

The cloud-based patient engagement platform

Improve every aspect of patient engagement with all your patient communications centralised to give greater control and develop better relationships.

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Patient Bridge allows R4+ practices to efficiently communicate and engage with patients; streamline practice visits, optimise patient satisfaction and generate more revenue.

Patient Bridge was built to seamlessly integrate with your R4+ practice management software, allowing your practice to enhance the patient experience life cycle, from acquisition to continued engagement.

  • Patient Bridge is the all-in-one patient engagement solution that elevates your business to better connect with your patients.
  • Simplify your patients’ practice visits using the virtual waiting room.
  • Automate repeat tasks by utilising the most efficient delivery methods available.
  • Implement the additional wide array of features this solution introduces, including reputation management tools, marketing manager - all integrated directly into your R4+ practice management software.


This true-cloud solution is made possible by a simple installation on your server – pushing all data to Patient Bridge available to you anywhere, anytime

Patients can complete pre-visit forms that feed directly into R4+, including medical history, COVID screening and NHS forms with the virtual waiting room

Automate all patient communications to lift the burden from your team, better engage with patients and optimise attendance at practice appointments.

Introducing multi-channel automation, utilising a mix of SMS messaging, HTML email including links and images and direct mail letters for optimum patient connections

Easy-to-build marketing campaigns  that manage patients GDPR preferences.  Drive additional private revenue for your business and monitor success rates using the campaign dashboard

Automated surveys for gathering and understanding patient feedback and generating positive online reviews across Google and NHS Choices FFT.

Data snapshot a view of your patient list, appointments and contact information should your server not be accessible. Communicate with your patients in all situations.

Track communication effectiveness in real time including recalls, FTAs, surveys, marketing campaign results using the easy-to-use in-solution dashboards

Minimise missed appointments with the FTA manager. Automate messages to patients who repeatedly fail to attend appointments within rules specific to your practice